In the last few weeks, I’ve been busy creating new random generators for Arimo Travels. In June alone, I made 16 new randomizers.
Limitations feed creativity. I originally asked a friend to write the code for a random country generator. As that generator proved popular, I added a few more generators with the same code. Now, I’ve found more and more ways to use the same basis for random generators.
Even though Arimo Travels had been dormant for a year, a random idea popped in my head last month. How about a random generator for UNESCO World Heritage sites? Instead of letting it pass, I decided to create the generator straight away.
More Random Generators
After the UNESCO generator, ideas started flooding in. First, I created generators for countries that speak certain languages. I followed these with random city generators. A random song generator and a random movie generator. Road trip generators. Anything!
As I worked on multiple generators at the same time, I sometimes published three or four generators in one day. In the end, I came up with sixteen new random generators.
Here’s a list of all of them:
- Random City in the World
- Random City in Africa
- Random City in Asia
- Random City in Europe
- Random City in Latin America and the Caribbean
- Random US City Generator
Countries (by Language and Type)
- Random Arabic Speaking Country
- Random English Speaking Country
- Random French Speaking Country
- Random Spanish Speaking Country
- Random Island Country Generator
Places and Road Trips
Other Random Generators
For a full summary of all my random generators, check out the page Random Generators.