This random German city generator picks a random city in Germany and shows the population of each destination.
This randomizer selects a random city in Germany from 80 different options. The randomizer includes all German cities with a population of more than 100,000 people. In Germany, the term Großstadt (large city) refers to such cities.
The results of the generator are based on German Wikipedia’s list of large German cities (Liste der Großstädte in Deutschland). I used the German list as it’s more up-to-date than its English cousin.
I wanted to include smaller cities in the generator, too, but unfortunately I didn’t find a comprehensive list of all German towns and their populations.
Random City in Germany Generator
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Your random city in Germany is…
My Random Travels in Germany
This website, Arimo Travels, is a sustainable travel blog that I started during my 2-year trip around the world. I have visited many random destinations including a completely random place on Earth (it was in Kenya).
I have experience of random cities in Germany, too.
In 2012, I picked the destinations of my first solo trip by throwing darts on the map of Europe. Two of those darts hit Germany. One dart sent me to Wittenberge a small town between Hamburg and Germany. Another dart landed in Karlsruhe, a large city near the French border.
As I had limited time, I visited both destinations very briefly. I remember the countryside around Wittenberge and a bridge in Karlsruhe that went over the city’s zoo.
(I got mugged in Italy and lost my camera later on the trip, so I don’t have any pictures from either destination.)

A year later, I tried random traveling in Germany on a smaller scale. My friend Olli and I had a project called On the Road of Dreams where we traveled around Europe for 20 days, asking 1,000 people to share their dreams for the future on postcards.
Near the beginning of our trip, we let our Facebook followers choose our next destination from four different options: Amsterdam, Berlin, Brussels and Prague. Berlin was the first place suggested, so we went there.
I have previously written one blog post about our stop in Berlin here.

I have created dozens of random generators like this one. You can find them all on the page Random Generators. Most of them deal with larger areas – e.g. cities in Europe and countries in Asia – but I’ve made a few country-specific generators, too.
The picture at the top is from Brehmen, a city I visted on a mostly flightless trip in the summer of 2022.