From Abbesville to York, this random city generator selects a random city in Alabama from 174 different options.
From Abbesville to York, this random city generator selects a random city in Alabama from 174 different options.
Alabama has a population of over 5 million people and is located in the southeastern United States. The state includes a mix of larger cities and smaller towns, with industries ranging from manufacturing to agriculture.
Random City in Alabama Generator
This city randomizer picks a random city or town in Alabama. It features all 174 municipalities in Alabama with a city status. In Alabama, a municipality with over 2,000 or more people is a city, although changes in population don’t change the class of the municipality afterwards. You can use this as a random destination generator or for any other purposes.
Click the button below to get your random place in Alabama! The generator takes a few seconds to work on mobile devices.
Your random city in Alabama is…
More Generators
Arimo Travels features more than just this random generator. I’ve also created similar tools for US states and counties, among other thigns. You can explore all my generators on the Random Generators page.
This website, Arimo Travels, started as a travel blog during my two-year journey around the world. Over time, I expanded my focus to include topics like flightless travel and random generators. Learn more about the site here.
While many of my generators are travel-related, some go beyond that. For instance, I’ve built generators for picking a random TV show to watch and for suggesting random things to cook.

Although this page may seem completely AI-generated, that is not actually the case. However, as I’m creating random generators for 50 different states simultaneously, it is difficult to come up with original things to say in each one of them.
I have spent some time traveling in the United States, but I haven’t personally been in Alabama. Like for many other foreigners, the first thing that comes to my mind about the state is the Lynyrd Skynyrd song “Sweet Home Alabama”. Interestingly, that song was used in a popular cookie commercial here in Finland when I was a kid!