Looking for random things to do when bored? This random things to do generator suggests you things to do when you’re bored at home alone.

I created this random things to do generator during the global COVID pandemic. Many of us have had to spend time at home alone during quarantines and lockdowns. To offer others some entertainment during these uncertain times, I created this random activity generator for anyone to use.

However, the “what to do” generator works even without a pandemic.

Random Things to Do Right Now

Click the “Give Me an Idea” button below to get a random thing to do right now!

Your random thing to do is…


About the Random Things to Do Generator

What kind of random ideas does the randomizer suggest? Most of the activities take around 5-30 minutes. You should be able to do most of these things without any special supplies. There are some funny things to do online on the list, while others are more practical and take place in the “real world”. There are more dynamic than passive activities.

I decided to make the random activity generator “slightly wholesome”. Some of the activities are practical and not very funny, while others – such as asking a friend how they’re doing – could help other people. Lockdown or not, many of us spend a lot of time indoors with our screens. This generator suggests active things that might give you energy when you’re feeling bored.

Of course, if you don’t like an idea that you get, you can always click again to get another thing to do at home.

The random thing to do generator uses the same code as my old Random Destination Generator. Special thanks to my friend Lauri K for the original programming! You can find all my randomizers on the Random Generators page. That page also explains why you can find these random generators on a travel blog.

Most of my random generators are related to traveling. However, if I like an idea for a generator, I don’t really care if it fits in the main focus of this website. That was the case here. The same thing happened with my Random Drawing Idea and Random Song generators.