This random board game generator suggests random board games to play from a pool of hundreds of highly rated options.
Finding new games to play can be tricky. This board game randomizer can help.
The generator selects a board game from loads options. These include highest rated games in different categories, Game of the Year winners, games from random countries as well as a few of my personal picks.
The random board game generator uses the same basis as my other random generators such as my random movie and random video game generator. I have picked the entries of the generator by hand.
Random Board Game Generator
Click the button below to get a random board game to play!
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How the Games Were Selected
The board game randomizer includes over 250 possible results. Here’s how I’ve selected the games for the picker.
Highest Rated Games on BoardGameGeek
The list features all 50 highest ranked games on BoardGameGeek. To add more variety, I’ve also included BoardGameGeek’s 20 highest ranked games in six different categories:
Each game appears only once in the generator.
Award Winning Board Games
Spiel des Jahres is the most renowned Game of the Year Award in board gaming. The award was first presented in 1979. I added Spiel des Jahres winners from all 40+ years to the randomizer. The random board game generator also features all Dice Tower Game of the Year winners.
Good Random Board Games
Awarded and highly rated games are great. However, if you’re a board game enthusiast, you’ve probably heard about nearly all of them. To add some surprises to the selection, I’ve included dozens of completely random good games to the mix.
To find totally random games, I used BoardGameGeek’s Random Game button to find loads of random board games. Whenever the result was an add-on, I went to the base game’s page. If the game had a score of 6.5/10 or higher, I included it in the randomizer.
Games from Random Countries
This site, Arimo Travels, is originally a sustainable travel blog. I started the website at the start of my 2-year trip around the world way back in 2016. To bring some global flavor to this generator, I’ve included games from multiple random countries.
I used my own Random Country Generator to pick random nations around the world. I tried to find good board games from each country.
In some cases, I included traditional games that go back hundreds or even thousands of years. I couldn’t find games from some countries, so I had to exclude those ones.
A Few Personal Picks
Finally, I added seven personal picks to the generator. For one reason or another, these are games that I am fond of. I also tried to add games that would make the generator more diverse.
How Many Board Games Are There?
How many board games exist in the world? Probably more than 100,000. The exact number of board games in the world is impossible to know. However, the website BoardGameGeek offers a rough estimate.
By December 2022, the users of BoardGameGeek had listed 141,319 board games. Many of those entries are add-ons and dublicates, though. On the other hand, many traditional games are missing from BoardGameGeek.

Some of my favorite travel memories are related to board games. I’ve often stayed with local hosts via Couchsurfing, and I’ve loved the times when my hosts have had massive board game collections.
The photo at the top shows a part of my Brazilian hosts’ board game collection. My host Nicholas had even designed a board game (Blacksmith Brothers) that was published in Brazil!